On Saturday May 31st 10 members of CLR attended at Dinsdale Personal Care Home here in Brandon. This was the first one of many more that our President Bruce has schedule to visit this season. Again we were blessed with a wonderful day, bright sun and. There were 33 beautiful soles and several staff members that blessed us by attending.

There were a number of seniors there that I knew from a previous time in and out of the church scene. It was nice to visit with Abe, Sam and Dennis, they made us feel welcome just like they did in their homes before Dinsdale.
President Bruce and his helpers spent 30 minutes in a small praise session through song. I noticed a few of them were following along with some of the older hyms, that was nice to see. Following that session President Bruce spoke to the folks on the topic of Heaven. Heaven is real and several descriptions from the bible were quoted and expressed. An assurance of a wonderful place that has been prepared for them all.

Following that the folks came out to the front drive. CLR brought the motorcycles out to the drive area and we mixed, spoke and prayed with them for another half hour. I met a British lady that married a Canadian soldier following the 2nd world war. He had taken her for a ride on his Harley 45, these were bikes that were used by a division in the army known as "Dispatch Riders" It just happens that my brother was a dispatch rider during that conflict, so I was deeply involved in the conversation. She challenged me to tell her the name of the back seat of a motorbike, she had forgotten. Well no one knew the name. After a time I thought why not Google it? And so I was able to remind her that the name was "Pillion". We had a good chucled over this find and marveled at the technology at our finger tips, even to the joy of seniors that have no ideal of this technology.