The annual Canada Day weekend was held under threatening skies. Our attendance was whittled down to two CLR members and our area Coordinator James. Saturday morning was very foggy but rain was not expected for a few hours, so it was a very enjoyable ride to Portage to meet with President Bruce, James and Helene.

On to Stonewall after our fill of coffee and goodies from Timmies, After dozens of "hello, how are you" things settled down to getting a burger and a drink. Soon the races would start up and that is always an entertaining time.

Little did we know that we were crashing another motorcycle wedding! Yes the Bondslaves do get hitched. This one was going to be a big one as there were many family members that would be coming for the wedding and not the rally.
Now the races, yes all kinds of bikes, even some full dressers, a little dirt bike and a wild go cart.
What followed was the tire burn out, man this is hard on the bike motor and tranny, but deadly for the tire. All for a $300 prize. Just covers the tire replacement.

After all this the bride seemed to be 30 min late, (normal) wedding went off really well Pastor Gavin doing the nuptials. Had a great message for the new couple and also a reminder of the process of getting married that the vows we make to each other are really vows to our Lord Jesus.

Anticipating the pork BBQ we set our sights on departing at 6:00pm, however the wedding took priority and dinner was delayed so we packed up and left for Brandon. The ride back was marred by a few showers but got back before the monster

winds and rain came that lasted all night. Praise the Lord for looking after his children.