Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Visit to Rideau Park Personal Care Home year of ministry for the Christian Light Riders is coming to a close as the summer fades. So many amazing stories from Senior Home visits and secular events which have left an impact on all our lives. One more Senior home visit to Hobbs Manor next Saturday and we are done for scheduled events. The last two visits, Hillcrest and Rideau Park had a greater presence of God than any previous visits. A week ago at Rideau Park PCH the first worker I met and was blessed by is strong Believer. She and the activity director asked me to bring my Harley right inside the meeting room - a first in Brandon. The last worship song we sang at the end of the hour was Days of Elijah during which an elderly man at the back of the room got up and began dancing and twirling around the room. When Jim spoke to him afterwards he said he didn't know how he did it because his feet were all messed up and he could barely walk.