On May 25th Christian Light Riders attended at BCC (Brandon Correctional Center). This one was the first of two visits planned for this year. CLR has been attending BCC for about 8 years and only missed in 2011 due to the floods in the area. There were approximately 12 people with motorcycles. The results of that visit was 39 persons prayed for including 4 salvations and 6 re-commitments from inmates attending. There was approximately 175 men and women that joined us in the yard to kick tires, have pictures taken, listen to a short message and seek prayer from the members of CLR.
King Jesus through John 15:7&8 informs Believers;
“if you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples”. NIV
For more on the testimony from President Bruce, please click on the page at the top called
"Brandon Correctional Center Visit God's Strategy"