On September 17th, a good portion of the Christian Light Riders and our faithful friends met at my home to prepare ourselves for an extraordinary afternoon of prison ministry. We knew in our hearts it would be extraordinary because much prayer had gone up to heaven and we knew Jesus was interceding on our behalf before our Father. Still it is our responsibility as His children and His warriors to spiritually prepare; to get our hearts right before God and with man so that we may be effective vessels for His glory. We did this through a time of worship and prayer. As much as David was a mighty warrior, he was also a passionate worshipper of the Almighty and I have no doubt that before going into battle he would pray and worship. I felt led to encourage my brothers and sisters to do the same. Having said this we take no credit for what happened that afternoon. We know that many faithful from several churches have been ploughing the ground at the Brandon Correctional Center. We are so thankful for all these different ministries and I know the harvest that the Lord reaped that day was a culmination of the efforts of many saints. The worship and prayer helped to soften our hearts so that we could reach out in love and the prayer helped strengthen our spirit and sharpen our sword.
Many prayers were answered that afternoon. Man's forecast was for rain. We were outside in the courtyard and knew if it rained it would have a detrimental effect upon our ministry time. We prayed and commanded that there be no rain. The Lord moved on our behalf and the rain held off until shortly after the ministry time was over - praise the Lord. We felt spiritually an openness from the inmates to a degree we have not felt before and this was a direct answer to prayer. In total eight men gave their heart to Jesus that afternoon, five recommitted to the Lord and 49 men and women received personal prayer with the laying on of hands.
Jesus opened doors and hearts that afternoon the likes we have not encountered before in this chapter. Once again He used men and women who may feel ordinary as far as ministerial achievements go; however I will state that not one brother or sister in the Christian Light Riders or our friends is ordinary. They have been wonderfully and fearfully created in God's image and there is nothing ordinary about that. As I looked around that afternoon and saw every one of them taking an active role praying and speaking with the inmates, my heart was so full of joy it goes beyond mere words. The Lord only asks that we come with willing and open hearts and in love, the rest He looks after through His power and grace and mercy. Love covers over a multitude of sins. Yes our God is an amazingly extraordinary God so it only stands to reason that His daughters and sons that make up the Christian Light Riders and friends are extraordinary women and men of God. I salute you all.
Heartfelt thanks to the Superintendent of the Brandon Correctional Center and Chaplain Dave Maynard. Chaplain Dave is a faithful servant of God and through his obedience to Jesus pushed ahead and helped to make that afternoon possible.
The greatest praises and thanks goes to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is mighty in power and uses the weak to lead the strong. Thank you my Lord; my heart is forever yours. All honor and glory to you Jesus forever and ever amen.
By Bruce Ewanyshyn
President, CLR Brandon
By Bruce Ewanyshyn
President, CLR Brandon
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