Thursday July 8th rolled around, the start of our 4 days event that was in the planning since January. McDiarmid Drive Alliance Church was ready to go. Work was proceeding with setting up the area for registration. CLR members were at the ready, guests were arriving and the process seem to be working smoothly. Susan was setting up the "Goodies Room" preparing for sales. Helen was staffing the registration desk.
At 7:00pm the first of several praise and worship sessions started. Mayor Dave Burgess welcomed the many guests to the city. A nice ice cream social hosted by the youth group was held to end the day.

Friday, the 9:00 am session speaker was the US Chair of CMA Mr. John Ogden. After the session, scheduled tours to the International Peace Gardens, local museums, the Souris Swinging Bridge and local personal care homes were lead by Gary, Hank, Ken and Grace respectively. The day ended with a great concert delivered by Heather Ruesch and band.
Saturday, the 9:00am session speaker was Carlos Hajen followed with a city parade of motorbikes lead by Bruce. The parade ended at the Kinsmen park were several hours of bike games entertained the crowd. 25 motorcycles participated in good fun.
The evening ended with a pork on a bun supper at the church hosted by Teen Challenge, with another session with Roger Wilson as speaker. Some went out to Dinsdale Park for a marshmallow roast, others stayed to help clean up the church for the Sunday service.

Sunday, a short devotion for those leaving early was presented at Kinsmen Park and those that stayed join together with the congregation of McDiarmid Drive for the regular morning service. President Rick Higgins spoke to the group.
Thanks to the "Yellow Shirt" team (CLR members) for the best No Borders yet. As President Rick said "We raised the bar for No Borders" Congratulations to all.
Check out more pictures by clicking on the side bar. Thanks to Hank for his contributions of these pictures.