Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Party 2014

On Saturday November 29, CLR hosted it's annual Christmas party. Just over 50 souls sat down for a wonderful pot luck dinner that featured many blessings  in the form of food for our enjoyment. Turkey, ham, meat balls, perogies, vegetables, salads of all kinds, wings and more. Then the desert table featured pumpkin and lemon pie from Helen Rankin, always a favorite of mine.

President Bruce and the CLR singers entertained with a few Christmas songs. Vice Pres. Grace demonstrated her skills with a very informative Power Point presentation on activities that CLR completed. Some very good pictures of individuals in "action". Helen challenged the group with some games. There was a bit of hot air expended in one of the games.
Presentations were made to Helen and Gene Rankin on their retirement from being Area Representatives. After a good run at this executive position and with continuing medical issues they determined that it was time to pass on the torch to others. Grace and Hank Loewen have stepped in  to fill this position as the Area Representative.

As usual, we introduce the CLR executives for 2015. After a hard fought election the 2015 Executives are presented in the picture below.
Left to right, Treasurer Josh, Road Captain Ken, Secretary Ingrid, Chaplin Hubert, Vice President Helen, President Bruce.