My deepest thanks to all who ministered today at the Brandon Correctional Center. Although our numbers were small (only seven), to use Vice President Grace's words, we were small in number but great in Spirit. The Lord began answering those prayers today when He chose to water Brandon in the morning and brought the sun forth just as we pulled up to the prison gates at 12:30 PM. So today we ministered to three large groups during the afternoon. A message on "hope" was shared, followed by a time of fellowship and prayer with the inmates. During our personal time with them, we all experienced that they were openly approaching us. The man I led to the Lord began weeping within minutes of me speaking to him and the Holy Spirit directed the rest. Grace shared an amazing story with me. Each message I gave would vary and in the first one in trying to get them to realize that God loves them and will forgive them of all their sins, I spoke that there is no one in Hell today because they committed murder or any other crime. A female inmate who is there for Manslaughter, approached Grace asking her what I was talking about. Grace spent time with her and shared the Good News and then led this woman to the Lord!! Praise God. God deserves all the honor and glory not man. We receive the blessings when we minister for Him; He receives the glory. The greatest blessing I had this afternoon was to look over at one point and see that Helen Rankin and Helen Allen had formed a prayer circle with 6 of the female inmates and were leading them in prayer. I have never seen that before in the 5 years I've been involved. The numbers; well before I get to that I will say that I have never seen so many inmates wearing crosses and in speaking to ones who were not and finding out they too were Believers. We do our part twice a year and the inmates remember us and thank us but other groups are coming in faithfully every week and ministering to small groups. This is changing the spiritual atmosphere and impacting lives for Jesus Christ. CLR comes in and are blessed to minister to larger groups because of the enticement of the motorcycles but the harvest we see is because of all the efforts of all the groups coming in and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. The number ah yes; over 122 inmates heard a message on hope and salvation; 34 received hands on prayer; 4 recommitted their life to Christ; 2 gave their heart to Jesus for the first time. Bruce Ewanyshyn President - Christian Light Riders
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Brandon Correctional Center visit Sept 14, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The 18th Annual Alzheimer Society Motorcycle Derby
One of the main reasons this event is so well organized is because of the Christian Light Riders. They have been helping out at this event since 1999. They play a major role in the day’s event. One of the group’s members is even here at 6:30 in the morning to start setting up the tents, now that’s dedication!
The group cooks and takes care of both meals, breakfast and the BBQ following the ride. As well, the group designs and puts on all the motorcycle games played. Without the help of this organization, this event would not be as strong as it is today. I thank them all for the dedication they have given us, you all are truly wonderful people and I hope your involvement continues in the future.
( Contribution for this post was obtained from Marni Loewen)
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Hobb's Manor CLR Visit

Hobb's Manor is a home for seniors that are still able to function for themselves. They have housekeeping facilities and do their own cooking. More of a seniors resident than a PCH that we had previously visited.

After the presentation, the bikes were wheeled up to the entrance and a few pictures taken of the residents.
Some of the residents that came out had family members that owned and rode motorcycles in their younger days.
So none of us are riding off into the sunset just yet, but we have accomplished the task that was laid out for us and the Chapter thanks the leadership that President Bruce demonstrated and raised the bar to being involved with community. Thanks to all.
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