The ride was wonderful, the sun was being blocked by the haze and the winds were just not there. 10:00 and our arrival in Morden. I headed right for the service that was being held in one of the on street theaters. It was starting to get HOT. I manged to sit there and participate until about 11:50. I was being baked, and Hubert was already baked. For the last 10 min we had to take shelter from the sun under the large speakers.
After the service the goal was to get a bite to eat and walk around to the vendors and wait for the corn to get cooked. I refueled the bike and headed over to the park to meet the rest of the CMA members and to do some tire kicking on bikes and cars. So many cars, but here is the car that caught my eye.

The CMA mantra is :One Heart at a Time" Sure looks like Hubert is doing this to this dog. It was so hot that owner came over to the CMA tent for some free water. The CMA tent was in a great spot. Folks were stopping by and getting some free water. Line ups were short but still there.
After a bit, the water ran out. This is when James took off to get some more water and ice. On his return the rush for water was still there. Well done James and well done to all that took turns to pass out the water and bless those around us "One Heart at a Time"
CLR headed back to Brandon to attend God in the Park. What a wonderful day the Lord provided.