Two rallies in one week; almost 4000 kms of riding in one week; so many prayers answered in one week; a meeting with an NHL Stanley Cup champion on the journey during the week; blessings and uncommon favor with God and man during the week; many new friendships made during one week; many current friendships enriched within the week; spiritual growth in yours truly in one week; learning to go without a shower for 4 days during this week priceless, and most of all an amazing time with an amazing God and Creator of this beautiful yet fallen and hurting world.
Yes the latter of these was not His design yet it is something that I experienced in a whole new intensity while riding and walking the streets of Salmon Arm, British Columbia. I will not dwell on this aspect of our destination but I will say it gave me a whole new sense of why Jesus encouraged others to go out to all the world and make disciples of men. This holds true especially in the biker world where so many are attracted to this lifestyle because they are searching for their identity, strength, purpose...something to fill up that emptiness that at times is overwhelming. I would know because that was me before I found Jesus Christ. I was a biker before I became a Believer. The feeling of power and the image created by riding a two wheeled beast invokes temporary feelings of strength and virility, being invincible at times as the adrenalin surges through your body after you take that corner a little too fast yet survive unscathed; after you blast off at a green light, or roar out of a series of twisties while keeping the rubber side down and the pegs grinding.

Through photos and videos, motorcycle manufacturers entice men and women to grab hold of the theory of leaving cares behind, hitting the open road, feeling the freedom of having a powerful engine under you with the wind and sun on your face, seeing "nature's" beauty up close and personal while you embrace the journey rather than focus on the destination...images of strong men and sexy women mounted upon these iron horses ready for adventure, daring and beautiful, living life to the fullest (isn't it funny that these ads never depict the plain looking people or the overweight ones as if buying this bike will turn you into a hunk or a supermodel). There is always the appeal of a faster bike you could buy, a more radical ride that could set you apart from the motorcycling crowd, a bike more customized which fits better with your personality, louder pipes, bigger engines, sleeker frames and lines, more eye candy chrome and expressive air brushed designs, accessories for your ride and for your body so that the outward image says look at how different I am; look at how good I can look. There is no one like me ... yet in the fleshly sense everyone who is traveling this road is exactly like you! Your ride is unique like every other customized ride. However God created us in His own image and in doing so each one of us displays a uniqueness of God's character that He etched in each individual spirit, mind, soul and body. Bikers chase after the image that will set them apart and yet God our Father birthed that in each of us from the time we were knitted together in our mother's womb. We have a inner drive that urges us to live life to the full but the abundant life can not be found riding a motorcycle or playing biker no matter how good it may sound and look. Pursuing life in this manner is as fleeting as the seasons of this earth. However the abundant life, permanent and steadfast can be found in and through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
On the third morning of the event, I gathered fellow CMA brothers and sisters to come together and stand side by side on a church parking lot in Salmon Arm to pray for strength, covering and direction from the Lord. My heart broke as I led out in prayer overwhelmed by the sense of hurting and loss within the multitudes that had gathered for this rally. I wept openly before brothers and sisters I had just met the day before because of the desolation and isolation I was picking up in my spirit amongst the women and men gathering in this town. In prayer and petition we cried out to God to move in this place and touch hearts. I know the Lord heard and acted on our prayers. We covered in prayer our CMA brother Wayne who sacrificed all five days to volunteer within the event grounds and who was seeing first hand the human carnage that comes from hurting and broken lives. Wayne who was spat upon by an intoxicated individual on only the second night of the event. Thank you Wayne for your dedication to the Lord and His children, lost and found.

Perhaps Wayne was like I had been before I was Born Again; attracted to the lure of strong, fast, powerful machines that are advertised to go hand in hand with a carefree lifestyle and beautiful women. Or perhaps it was a hope of belonging to a "motorcycling family" who would accept you for who you are. So many of us came from dysfunctional families. Or perhaps it was something totally different that got Wayne into motorcycles many years ago. However I do know that he has submitted himself to selflessly doing the Lord's work and using what may have once been all carnal as a strong tool for evangelism. Wayne is the road captain of a CMA chapter in BC.
Each one of us has a unique story of how we arrived at this point in our ministry. I got into motorcycling at age 20 while attending the University of Winnipeg. This was 1986 (yup I look younger than I am for "He satisfies my desires with good things so that my youth is renewed like the eagle's - Psalm 103:5). There was the practical appeal that students could park motorcycles for free along the west side of the university, whereas all other vehicles required metered parking. That was not the draw for me although it did help me to convince my parents to allow me to buy one and remain living under their roof LOL. A new friend had a Yamaha FZ 750 and he took me out to Grand Beach with it one weekend. After nearly losing me off the back and the side a few times and scraping the foot pegs with me on it, I was hooked. I was an adrenalin junkie and here was a fix. Yet I liked the laid back look of cruisers with rich paint and lots of chrome. Cruisers were sexy bikes and I heard that women really liked motorcycles and some thought guys who rode them were cool. So I got my licence and bought my first ride - a 1984 Yamaha Virago 750. Sure my buddy blew me away at every stop light on his FZ but I looked really cool riding laid back with all that chrome. Hey girls look at me I thought as I rode around. Perhaps this will get me a girlfriend who will love and adore me. Hmmm...well I had lots of fun, dated several girls, married a woman who liked bikes, divorced the same woman who liked bikes (not even a Harley Davidson motorcycle, factory ordered in 2001 could save our marriage), and I was left disappointed, empty, and broken after many miles, many rides, and many gatherings with bikers. Motorcycling could not bring forth a sense of purpose, contentment, fulfillment, and love and nor could a solid career in policing for that matter. Neither can being married to a hot looking woman or having a lot of money to buy new bikes, snowmobiles, quads and so forth. These are all biker myths. Yes I have travelled all these roads and all of them have led to the same empty lonely place. Why? Because it is not what we do and own that brings us contentment and satisfaction, it is what we are on the inside.
Is it well with your soul? Our soul can not become well until we find a relationship with Our Creator for He and He alone can satisfy. Only Jesus can bring forth that spring of living water to flow from within you that refreshes and satisfies and renews you daily. At the end of each motorcycle rally, those who have not yet found Jesus leave feeling disappointed, still broken, and still empty. Sure some may have found in the weekend what their flesh was longing for. Perhaps the pain was numbed by alcohol and drugs and laughter for a time. Perhaps they found what they may refer to as love. The devil is a great deceiver and the father of all lies and in a little while those who chose to be carnal will be as lost and empty as they were before the rally began. Tragically they may be even worse off nursing more bruising on their already hurting and torn heart. Then there are the long term repercussions resulting from ungodly spiritual ties that may have been formed through committing ungodly acts. God's Word says sin is pleasurable but only for a season and it leads to death.

Before I found Jesus in 2007 I was dying inside. Perhaps my heart was breaking so much this past Friday because my spirit realized that after the event is over for those who are hurting and have not found Jesus, they may leave even more broken and hurting as a result of the sins of the flesh they indulged in for days. Perhaps they will become even more lonely and desperate than they were prior to the rally. Like myself prior to being Born Again, they are dying inside. With each unrepentant sinful act the chasm between life and death, heaven and hell, Abba Father and Satan becomes wider and wider but there is such great hope for them through the bridge called Jesus. However if they are not told, they will not know. Did I fulfill the purpose the Lord laid out for me this past week? It feels like I did not but perhaps there will be some unseen fruit which comes forth from my time there. I'm sure we all feel we could do more but again it is not about us, it is about Him.

For those who did not receive the Lord at these rallies, some will take consolation in the knowledge that the Sturgis SD motorcycle rally is less than a month away. They may find hope in the thought that they will find what they are searching for at the next rally and this may help carry them along. However holding on to a hope based upon what worldly circumstances could bring you is no hope at all. No party will ever be big enough, no trophy ever rewarding enough, no drug ever a high for long enough, no bike ever fast enough, no sexual encounter ever satisfying enough. In the end they are always wondering what exactly am I looking for and hoping for. As Believers we find the desires He has hidden deep in our heart and the hope for all these promises of God to be fulfilled in our life through His Word and relationship with Him. From His promises we gain strength; "For those who hope in the Lord He will renew their strength; they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint - Isaiah 40:31. This is the Lord speaking to our spirit. He reminded me of this hope and His faithfulness in my life as a group of us rode from Salmon Arm to Merritt on Thursday. We witnessed two eagles flying directly above our motorcycles. I do not know if they were male and female but my Father is faithful to fulfill His promises to His children and this was a personal reminder to me His son for my future.
Like so many that left the rallies on the Monday, in my past I never found what I was looking for at any event but perhaps if I would have come into contact with a CMA member or a Bondslave, or another biker evangelist, I would have found my everything there. I would have found Jesus Christ and my heart would have been changed and I would have heard of how the Bible is God's Word in print which is alive and speaks to me through all my situations and brings healing and health to all my body (Proverbs 4:22). His Word brings healing to every broken heart and we are to carry His Words in our heart to bring forth life to others. It is from this relationship with Jesus and our Father and His Word that all the other promises of God He has laid on our heart are fulfilled. Once again I wonder did I fulfill all He had for me to do at the rallies? Again I am reminded it is not about me.
When I began writing this "update" for our Christian light Riders blog, I thought I would write about how amazing and faithful God had been during every day of our seven day trip. How He had encouraged us to speak to the clouds of an ugly storm front moving in on our first night of camp in Brooks, AB and how during the prayer the spoken words of His saints changed the direction of the wind and the storm never came although it was on every side of us so it seemed. This is a testimony of believing in words spoken in faith and not by the sight of circumstances surrounding us.
I thought I'd write about an encounter with a humble five time Stanley Cup champion Richard Chartraw who owned a camp ground that we just happened to stay at. A player who was part of my all time favorite late 70's Montreal Canadiennes teams. A man who took the time to speak with me and to go get his 1976 Stanley Cup champion ring, and insist on placing it on my finger while he put his arm around me for photos. A very personable man for whose salvation I am now praying for. One championship was won while he played with the Edmonton Oilers.
I thought I'd focus on telling you of the many blessings and uncommon favor God bestowed upon Leo and I during the rally like having the owner/organizer of the entire rally come up to us within 5 minutes of us arriving at the event. How he introduced himself to us and listened to our suggestions for next year's rally and then gave us two arm bands good for one days admission to the event valued at $120.00 each.
I thought I'd share and make this update about the opportunities the Lord provided as the members of CMA separated and walked around downtown Salmon Arm praying for individuals one on one and the man I was blessed and honored to invite the Holy Spirit to come dwell within richly.
I thought it would be more about sharing with you the new friendships I have been blessed with such as getting to know Dan and Monica from Nelson BC who have been members of CMA for years. They have amazing hearts for God and I was blessed by watching them interact as a couple who love and cherish, honor and respect each other. I thought I might share more about newly weds Owen and Cheryl who have an amazing story of how God has brought them together in their middle years and how they honored God through their courtship and are receiving the fruit from abiding in His Word. Then there were my friends from Manitoba, Scott and Alice whom I enjoyed getting to know better even though they are part of our CMA chapter. They are ever steady and solid on His Word and are an encouragement to myself and others around them. There is the host pastor to thank; Ken of Five Corners Pentecostal church who opened the grounds of his church for us to pitch our tents on and kept the doors open for washroom facilities and provided coffee each morning to those who needed an extra kick start.
I thank the Lord first and foremost for His mercy, grace, love and faithfulness and how real He showed Himself daily to me and others. How He answered the prayers that went up before I even went to the rallies and honored my desire not to see any nudity or sexual acts. I saw not a one despite receiving reports contrary to this. Jesus kept us all safe and all our bikes ran flawlessly. Now you may see a photo or two of yours truly on the ground under my Harley. Allow me to explain. Our group couldn't help but tease me and take photos after the discovery that a bolt had loosened on floor board of my Harley. After 10 years that was the first time I've taken out the Harley supplied tool kit. In it was contained the appropriate Allen key and I tightened up the bolt and away I went. This was to the delight of my brothers and sisters; the loosening off and the fixing of the floor board. Yes Lord thank you for injecting humor throughout our trip and it being light hearted and not costly LOL. It was my travelling companion Leo who noticed the loose floor board.

I will pause here after thanking the Lord and His servants to say a special thank you to my faithful travelling companion Leo. Without his willingness to go in the first place, I would not have made the journey on my own. For a guy who calls himself "an old fart', he was amazing. We were up early (6ish) each morning and to bed late. Each of our travelling days we logged over 900 kms and never once did Leo ever complain. We rode through heavy rains and heat, darkness and mist in the mountains. He was willing to go along with my suggestions for lodging and when he made a suggestion it was exactly what I had been thinking. He kept things neat and organized and was always willing to pray and participate in our morning devotionals. His spirit and physical resiliency amazed me and his positive attitude was an incredible blessing. This is a man I will travel with and camp with any time. Plus he doesn't snore which is imperative when you share the same tent LOL. Actually as our Brandon riders found out at the Bondslave Victory rally a couple of weekends prior, even snoring from a tent several over can pose a challenge to ones' beauty sleep. Thank you Leo for being an amazing riding companion, friend, and prayer partner.
This update began quite differently than I thought it would. I do want to end with some positive thoughts regarding the sport of motorcycling and the people who make it a part of their lives. Motorcyclists are different, we really are. Where some choose the comfort and safety of an enclosed vehicle, bikers choose to experience the open road with no restrictions and a healthy dose of power under their seat through their right hand. I got involved in motorcycling as a 20 year old who had no relationship with God. I used it to search for "love" in the wrong places and it helped bolster an already arrogant and prideful man. It was not the source of my arrogance, selfishness and pride. Other factors such as a police career also heightened that pride and actually alienated me from the rest of society. As bikers we too can feel alienated from society as people complain about our noisy bikes, tough looking leather outerwear, or slightly smelly bodies (yup we went 4 days without a shower while at the rally). However all the things that we do, do not make the man or woman. I was prideful, arrogant, and selfish and didn't like people not because I rode a motorcycle or was a cop. It was because inside I was lost and hurting and had low self esteem. I didn't know who I was and I tried to become a man by being a cop, then a husband, then a biker.
When I minister in bikers circles and people hear I'm a cop I tell them no I'm a brother in Christ. Policing is what I do not who I am. Motorcycling is what I do it is not who I am. My journey with Jesus has not been a long one; saved 07/07/07 however it has been an amazing one and through it I am learning to become the man God has destined me to become. It means the daily laying down of fleshly wants and submitting to His plan for my life. In doing so I am becoming a better brother to the brothers and sisters the Lord places in my path. I have much flesh yet to overcome but the joy of the Lord is my strength and despite living on my own I am not lonely or in need of another person or motorcycle or solved crime case to bring me joy and contentment, peace and fulfillment. That has come from within knowing that my Father loves me and I can call Him and His son Jesus my friend. That I can call on them day or night and they will always be there for me. I went from having a life four years ago with no friends to having many wonderful friends and a church family who loves me. Jesus opened me up after giving me a new heart and has brought me to several wonderful ministries including CMA which provides an excellent avenue to take that motorcycle that was a source of pride in the past and use it to reach the lost, broken and hurting. With God's love within us, we can change this world one heart at a time.
More pictures are available by clicking on pictures section on the left.
Blessings and love in Christ;
Bruce Ewanyshyn
President - Christian Light Riders
CMA Canada Brandon Manitoba