October 2 to the 4th found a group of about 56 CMA members from the two provinces celebrating together in Dauphin Manitoba for the riding season of 2009. The days were more or less cloudy with rain. That being said there were only a few local bikes in attendance as most came in cars. The agenda was packed with praise and worship times many very interesting speakers and
camping in Scott's church. Yes that's right. See a picture that tells no lies!
The congregation from the New Life Centre treated us all like royalty. The facilities were excellent and the presentations were timely and interesting.
Th ice cream social was a hit as always

with bikers and the food was plenty-full and very good.
Though the weather was not conducive to having bike games we were prepared, but with few bikes and rain we called it off late in the day and submitted a small description of creation of a blog similar to this one. For a good number of pictures of the attendees please click on "more photos" on the left side of this screen. Thanks to Hank for taking the pictures and sending them to me for posting.