Thursday, March 12, 2009

CMA North Dakota State Raly

June 5-7, 2009
The Resurrection Riders invite you to the Lakewood Park Bible Camp
222 Woodlands Ave, Devils Lake, ND.
Join us for worship, praise, great meals, music and fellowship.

For more information click here

Sunday Afternoon Rides for 2009

At our recent Chapter meeting the dates of the regular Sunday afternoon motorcycle rides were established.

Take a Sunday Ride with us
June 7, 21, July 5, 19 and August 2 and 16.
These rides start at 2:30 pm from the Canadian Tire Gas gas bar on 18th street. The route and destination is usually chosen at the time of departure. These rides are open to all and can fit various motorcycle sizes and rider skills. Come out and meet and greet and have a great Sunday ride. For more information please call 726-8383 or
728- 1217

On March 21st there is a Swap Meet put on by Chris Drover over at the Keystone Centre. Come out and visit and enter for a draw of a great motorcycle helmet at our display. Pick up some item that you just needed to get on your ride.

Once again the Season of Refreshing Conference is being held in Morden Manitoba on April 24 to 26. This is when most CMA Manitoba members join together for some training and ministry updates. This is a membership only function for CMA members. They happen on different dates across Canada. It realy is the season of motorcycling beginning.