Friday, December 18, 2009
Things we do to keep busy
Please click on this perfectly safe url and enjoy. Merry Christmas to you and yours from all the members of CLR and CMA. May you be blessed this Christmas. See you next year!
Click Here and enjoy the entertainment turn your speakers on
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
New Executive for CLR for 2010

November is the time for elections of the new Executive for 2010. Above is the recent picture taken at our annual Christmas party held on November 28th. See other post and pictures in the library.
President: Jim Stremel, Vice President: Brian Wilson, Secretary: Grace Loewen, Treasurer: Leo Boivin Chaplin: Bruce Ewanyshyn and our venerable Road Captain Hank Loewen
Thank you to the Executive for their service in 2009.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
GOD aka The Original Pumpkin Man

Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for all the world to see. Happy Autumn!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Manitoba and Saskachewan Wind-up

October 2 to the 4th found a group of about 56 CMA members from the two provinces celebrating together in Dauphin Manitoba for the riding season of 2009. The days were more or less cloudy with rain. That being said there were only a few local bikes in attendance as most came in cars. The agenda was packed with praise and worship times many very interesting speakers and camping in Scott's church. Yes that's right. See a picture that tells no lies!
The congregation from the New Life Centre treated us all like royalty. The facilities were excellent and the presentations were timely and interesting.
Th ice cream social was a hit as always

Though the weather was not conducive to having bike games we were prepared, but with few bikes and rain we called it off late in the day and submitted a small description of creation of a blog similar to this one. For a good number of pictures of the attendees please click on "more photos" on the left side of this screen. Thanks to Hank for taking the pictures and sending them to me for posting.
Friday, September 25, 2009
CLR visits Brandon Correction Centre Sept 19
Once Again the Christian Light Riders had the privilege to minister to the prisoners of the Brandon Correctional Centre.
This year was a great blessing for the Lord opened many doors and we were received with a tremendous openness. There were member of the CMA from various parts of Manitoba.
Those we came to minister to received prayer for strength, health, as well as encouragement and just over all needs for these precious people.
It was a great day in all, many thanks to the prison staff for their help and support.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Manitoba Chapters of CMA in Portage
June 28th the combined CMA chapters in Manitoba met at Portage LaPrairie at the Highway Tabernacle for a joint service with the congregation. The CLR chapter departed Brandon at 8:30 with a brutal wind mainly from the north/west heading for Portage for the 10:30 service. We had 10 motorcycles of all makes with our chapter President riding a demo bike that looks like it will be going to a new home for the next 100,ooo km.
James Rosso did a fine job with his leading the service after the rousing praise and worship session. Following the service the congregation treated us with burgers, hot-dogs and drinks.
Then it was off to Neepawa MB for ice cream. The wind had picked up and this made us heading directly into a brutal wind contributing a lot of carbon from the higher fuel consumption of the motorcycles.
Once we headed back south again after Minnedosa, the wind was in our backs and this was a wonderful respite from fighting the wind. My bike seemed like I was on the couch watching the ground go by, it was so quite. Back in Brandon by 2:30pm enough time to catch a nap before supper. Life is good!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Run for the Son May 2009

One of the members of our chapter lives there and the his congregation has invited the CLR members to their church service.
As always they are treating us to lunch as well.
The day broke with a threat of rain and a temp of 9c with a wind from the north that was bitterly cold and sharp.

Shoal Lake is about 1.5 hours north/ west of Brandon. Note Gene on the far left has just been out of the hospital for a few weeks with a lower back operation. he and Helen are taking the quad to Shoal Lake.
After the service and lunch, we connected with another three bikes and headed to Riding Mountain and Clear Lake for coffee and ice cream. The day turned out to be sunny with the temp reaching a balmy 15c. Eventually we got back to Brandon for supper at the Chinese buffet.
If you would like to see a video clip that was produced and up-linked via satellite then click here
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Seasons Of Refreshing and Run For The Son

OK you bikers listen up!
CMA Seasons of Refreshing is a renewal of the biking season for members of CMA in Canada. This year the event is being held in Morden Manitoba, April 24th and 25th. It's open to all bikers but you need to register. Click Here It does not look like the weather is going to be nice enough to chance a motorcycle trip, but if your interested you can call 204-727 3605 and perhaps we can arrange for you to team up with another to reduce the cost.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Brandon Swap Meet

Once again, Brandon CLR attended the swap meet put on by Chris Drover. At this years event. CMA head office sent out their display. So here is a picture of that display. You can enjoy other pictures of the CLR team by clicking on the left side where it says "more pictures". Contact me directly at ( ) if you have pictures to contribute to the album.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
CMA North Dakota State Raly
June 5-7, 2009
The Resurrection Riders invite you to the Lakewood Park Bible Camp
222 Woodlands Ave, Devils Lake, ND.
Join us for worship, praise, great meals, music and fellowship.
For more information click here
Sunday Afternoon Rides for 2009
728- 1217
On March 21st there is a Swap Meet put on by Chris Drover over at the Keystone Centre. Come out and visit and enter for a draw of a great motorcycle helmet at our display. Pick up some item that you just needed to get on your ride.
Once again the Season of Refreshing Conference is being held in Morden Manitoba on April 24 to 26. This is when most CMA Manitoba members join together for some training and ministry updates. This is a membership only function for CMA members. They happen on different dates across Canada. It realy is the season of motorcycling beginning.