The Christian Light Riders got together for the annual Christmas pot luck party at the home of Ken and Martha Martens. See this picture of Ken and Martha on the right with Jim Stremel in front of the TV.
Pot luck dinners are always a great celebration and the feature was roast turkey. After dinner when everybody was stuffed (like the turkey) we had a gift exchange. See the extra large earmuffs supplying comfort to Jeanie Stremel. These are Manitoba certified!

After, Leo Boivin gave a video presentation of what was called "Motorcycle Goofs" a compilation of a variety of motorcycle crashes that made you wonder if there are any brains in those bobbing heads on those two wheelers. Go figure.
So that brings us to the close of 2007.
Merry Christmas to all and especially to the members of Christian Motorcyclist Association. May God continue to Bless you and yours in 2008.