Saturday, June 20, 2015

Brandon Correctional Centre Spring Ministry May 30, 2015

One of the closest ministries to my heart is attending the Brandon Correctional Centre to share the love of Jesus Christ with those who are incarcerated. Each year we pray and trust that the Lord will provide weather suitable to minister outside with our motorcycles in the background. Once again the Lord faithfully answered our prayers and provided a canopy of sun and cloud. Throughout the afternoon I shared a message with three different groups which included men and women. The message I shared was that God has a plan for their life and it doesn’t look like Numbers 14 where the Israelites murmured against God’s leadership and ended up dying in the desert.  I spoke of their calling, the commitment to move forward, and the courage to do so. Ninety two inmates heard the message, 13 received personal prayer, and two gave their heart to Jesus Christ. Several Bibles and tracs were handed out and it was a blessing to minister alongside BCC Chaplain Rick Wittmeier and receive the support from Correctional Officers. Thanks to all CLR members who shared in this ministry. God be praised!