Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Souris Personal Care HOme Visit July 17, 2011

On Sunday July 17, 2011 the Christian Light Riders had the opportunity to visit with the residents and staff at Souris Personal Care Home.  11 participants rode out on 7 bikes and one car.  We arrived at the Care Home at 3:00 PM with the temputure 31 degrees and the humidex 36.  Much too hot for many of the residents of the Care Home.  They were sitting inside the Sun Room and had a pretty good view of the bikes parked out front.  
The Activity Director, Holly, asked us to bring one of the bikes inside.  Hank took his bike in and the residents had the opportunity to get their picture taken on the bike.  We were able to share stories with the residents and hear what bikes some of the residents had ridden in their past. After having some ice tea and cookies Grace played a few hymns on the piano and the bikers, residents, and staff joined in singing along.  Helen read Psalm 23 and Hank ended that segment with a prayer. 
Holly also offered a prayer for the Christian Light Riders and the ministry we are involved in.  Some of the residents came outside to have a closer look at the other bikes and bid us farewell at 4:30 pm, before going back in to have their supper.  We then rode on to Rivers to Lee's Restaurant for a wonderful supper of our own.  It was then back to Brandon with a stop at Twister's for some ice cream before saying good bye and heading for home. 
Submitted by Grace Loewen, Secretary
Christian Light Riders
Brandon Chapter of the Christian Motorcyclists Association of Canada